
The Death of Email As We Know It

Today many media and online marketing bloggers and writers are calling for the death of email as we know it. They point out the facts about what a pain it is to continue to use some old archaic method of marketing. Like how they got black listed for sending out email campaigns that were considered spam by the target systems.To that I say "are you kidding me"? Old and archaic when email only is just beginning to become more popular than any other form of communication on the planet? Sure there are new social media types of communication like Twitter, FaceBook and YouTube. Everywhere you look today you see hordes of Nail art people texting on their cell phones.But what about the really old school methods of communication? They have been ignored and still continue to survive today. Postal "snail" mail is still used daily by almost every person in the world. Telephone calls are just as popular as they ever were since it was created.Why then is there so much hatred for email? If used properly email can be just as useful for email marketing as any other social media tool available today! Just take a look at ANY sign up form on ANY website. They will ask for a name and email address at a minimum. Heck, even the social media sites are collecting your email address to subscribe. If you use the information collected for email campaigns and your subscribers don't connect with you on a personal basis, then they will most likely opt out of your list. It is very rare that one gets black listed but if it does happen simply contact the email administrator at the site and find out from them how to Wholesale Knives get removed from the black list.Email has proven to be and will continue to be the best marketing tool available period. Have patience and know your targeted audience. Market your website with an opt-in form to them and they will seek you out instead of the other way around.In my next article I will examine other methods of attraction marketing and how email can be used effectively to market those potential customers.